Candy Boulter Leone Raising farm animals for food does not impact wild populations of wildlife which are being harvested in large numbers from Asia, Japan and other countries raping the oceans and lands. There is no way to foresee all the damages to the populations of all the wild animal species affected by these atrocities. These countries need to wake up and see their damages as the oceans and lands are not a continuous supply of food to be exploited until there is nothing left.

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Weez W-s Japan is killing themselves softly with toxic dolphin meat and radiation.....I have no use for Japan anymore as long as the dolphin drives continue, as long as the radiation is just turned away with a blind eye, as long as the monies sent for the disaster went to whaling industry, as long as the dolphins are being kidnapped from the sea....Japan is erased off my world map. There is not much time for Japan to change this as so much damage has been done and is irreversable already....wake up Japan and get off your ego boost....everyone is getting more disgusted with you day by day!

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Christine Stevens- Lovalente Please have a heart ! Stop his cruel act! Stop slaughtering God's beautiful creatures ! The world is watching and getting angrier and more upset by the minute ! I beg you to stop !!!!

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Karen Thomas Stop the barbaric killings of innocent dolphins in Taiji. This is not tradition this is inhumane vile killing of amazing creatures. This is all about money blood money. Shame on you Japan. The world is watching!!!!!

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Tunemitu Shibuya The financial funds of a tsunami fund are national bonds, and are not your donations.
Don't let the propaganda of Sea Shepherd deceive.

Weez W-s Really?!!! Then where did all the Canadian donations go? And all the rest of the world's monies that helped Japan out??!! I love Australia, but it wasnt just Australia that sent Japan money...but honestly Im not going to argue...I learnt my mistake of helping Japan out...NEVER AGAIN!

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Danie Ha Tunemitu Shibuya Thanks for not answering any if the easy questions above, answer enough. And were did the donations go to? Any proof other than the word of your Government? This is a piece of paper and proves nothing. Don´t let Abe´s propaganda deceive...

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Danie Ha Tunemitu Shibuya As long as Japan can afford pumping 30 Mio. $ into disastrous, senseless whale hunting, donations are not needed obviously.Good to know as it will happen again.

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Donna Sall A word of advice for all of us who want to see the dolphin hunt stopped. Block the a-holes who dont have a heart. It does no good to reason with them. STOP THE SLAUGHTER AND CAPTURE OF WHALES AND DOLPHINS ! THEY DO NOT BELONG TO YOU JAPAN , THEY BELONG IN THE OCEAN FREE FROM YOUR GREEDY LITTLE HANDS..... dan, tony, mangnus and a few more when did you loose your compassion for life?

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Toru Seo We all have compassion, perhaps more so than self righteous huggers.

We also realize limitation and the fact that what we think acceptable doesn't necessarily mean it is correct for other people or culture. Compassion is novel. But mixing that with one's bigotry and hypocrisy is where you are wrong and why people consider huggers as lunatics.

Lisa Di Falco I am writing to you to ask that you please outlaw the barbaric dolphin and whale hunts going on right now in Taiji. I have just watched the live feed from the cove guardians and I am sickened. I cannot believe that in todays modern world it is allowed to continue. Dolphins are not fish, they are intelligent creatures who form family bonds. Dolphin meat is poisonous and nobody believes it is a tradition. The slaughter is hidden from view by tarps, (strange for such a proud tradition) but you can see the dolphins thrashing whilst they have a metal pole hammered into their spinal cords. The people of Japan need to know what is going on in their country and that the reputation of the whole of Japan is being marred by a handful of cruel men. Please stop it from continuing, social media is storming about this issue, people are looking on Japan with disgust. Thank you for your time. Please help us to stop the atrocities in Taiji

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Rhonda Ives The World continues to cry out Mr prime sinister ... You can protect the oceans ... Or are you lining your pockets with mafia money from the captive dolphin trade! The world sees through the smoke and mirrors .... We know there are NO poor fisherman, NO research .... START protecting our oceans instead of destroying them!

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Luke Gray Remember this? Because the next time this happens to your country, please don't come crying to us looking for help!

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Dan Drexler I will be back in Japan FULL time before July! Will be in Yokosuka! Anyone want to come out to the sea wall for a 4th of July whale roast! Will also have Watson burgers on hand! ( burgers with strips of whale bacon and cheese! )

Ian Aywon ウクライナ:第一次世界大戦に向けて? UKRAINA

Carly TwinTastic Puzey Corrupt government working with it's MAFIA! Shame on you for using money donated to your country after the tsunami by giving a large amount of it to the stinking whalers, instead of helping people devastated by it. I WILL NEVER donate again. You and your government need to be sacked.

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Emmanuel Chanel "The funds are from Japan’s own national budget, not charitable donations from overseas." says Yoree Koh of Wall Street Journal
The URI below is about the 311 earthquake published on 16 Dec. 2011. It's on the official website of Minshutou, Democratic Party in Japan. It was the ruling party till late Dec. 2012. (So Danie Ha is too ignorant since she criticize PM Shinzo Abe for that. He is the president of Liberal Democratic Party.)
 福島の地域経済再生に向けては、県からの要望を踏まえ、第3次補正予算において復興基金の造成など総額約5340億円を措置し、医療や再生可能エネル ギーといった新たな産業・雇用の創出や企業立地に向けた取り組みなどを図ることとしています。さらには、福島県が置かれている特殊な事情に鑑み、その対策 を講じるための特別立法が必要と考えており、次期通常国会に法案を提出できるよう検討を進めています。
Translation: For the purpose of the regional economical restoration of Fukushima, with considering the prefecture's request, on the 3rd revised budget, we take steps by PREPARATION OF THE RESTORATION FUND and so on with 534 billion yen in total. With that, we attempt medical services, new inductries like renewable energy, job creation, industrial loction, and so on. In addition, considering the special situation placed in Fukushima Prefecture, we think that we need special legistrations and we consider them to present the draft bills in the next ordinary sessin of the parliament.
Our Reconstruction Agency of the government has released these:
Translation: The Management and Operation Guidelines Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake Grant Fund
Translation: 13 Jan. Heisei 24(* 2012)
第3 復興交付金基金の運営
Translation: the Great East Japan Earthquake Grant Fund is prepared by the grant-in-aid from the state(Japanese government). (Omitted)
See also

So Yoree Koh of Wall Street Journal wrote this:
>But this year, onlookers are not only taking issue with the whaling expedition itself, but how extra government funding for the trip is being drawn from money intended to be used for reconstruction efforts from the March 11 disasters. The funds are from Japan’s own national budget, not charitable donations from overseas.
If you want to cause that our government uses the tsunami fund of Red Cross and so on, prove it!

Danie Ha Shinzo Abe: simply admit, you are scared of one of the really old traditions in Japan. Yakuza rules. Approx. 80.000 organised criminals are Japans "politicians".

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Toru Seo These huggers are not capable of learning the fact. They believe what Watson and like say no matter how far stretched it is.

Christiane Schäfer Murder and Killerland, is Japan!!!! Shame on you!!!

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Elaine Cobb "The biggest problem is the fact that people have been living in temporary conditions for so long," Hiroyuki Harada, a Fukushima official dealing with victim assistance, told the media." Not Paul Watson, Toru, but a member of your own nation.

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Elaine Cobb "As of August 2013 approximately 1,600 deaths were related to the evacuation conditions, such as living in temporary housing and hospital closures. The exact cause of the majority of these evacuation-related deaths were unspecified because that would hinder the deceased relatives' application for financial compensation." Where did the millions of £ or $ go?? Certainly not to help those whose homes were lost through the tsunami or Fukushima.

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Heike Heinze Earthquake Relief Funds and Additional Subsidies Diverted
- Over the past 25 years, direct whaling subsidies from the Ministry of Agriculture alone have cost Japanese taxpayers more than ¥30 billion (almost US$400 million).

- While other needs went unmet, earthquake reconstruction funds to the tune of ¥2.28 billion (US$28.55 million) were diverted from tsunami relief to support “research whaling, stabilization promotion, and counter- measure expenses” for the ICR.

- Most recently, the industry has received a substantial loan, backed by guarantees from the government of Japan, to refit the factory ship of the whaling fleet, with a view to maintaining the fleet for at least another decade.....IFAW commissioned the Japanese firm E- Square to look at official government of Japan figures on that country's whaling industry, including whale meat sales and stockpiles, taxpayer subsidies paid to keep the whaling fleet afloat, and money spent on that country’s vote in the International Whaling Commission (IWC).

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Heike Heinze This petition has 678 561 supporters. There is only ONE of many petitions. Signed it and she shares with all your friends.

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Toru Seo You only read the text and have no idea what is the fundamental problem is. Again, devils in the details.

Do you know why these people live in a temporary houses to begin with?

Constance Courtney
A disgrace to Japan, a weak and spineless liar and the whole world watches!

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Jannie Perstrup Since Fukuchima accident...the Pacific Ocean is destroyed from the radiation...and it is not recommented to eat any kind of fish from this area....

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Donna Sall Sorry Toru I didnt add your name to the list of no compassion. You call me a hugger because I dont want to see the ocean empty of dolphins and whales. Your country still spews radiation into the pacific. You hide behind so called culture and tradition.... Call me what you want but I know in my heart all animal killing is wrong. I have compassion in my heart and I fight everyday for animal abuse to stop in my country and all over the world. I can live with myself because what I know is true and right. I feel sorry for all the haters like you........

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Danie Ha This Toru and the other haters are a waste of time. Who knows, maybe they earn some $$ from this too. Blocked them all and concentrate on other things. It´s just 30 K likes on this page, so the majority of Japanese people does not even seem to be interested enough in their PMO.

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Danie Ha And these are greetings from London

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Deborah Ahern Release stolen dolphins of Taiji!

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Carlos de Landa

Karen Allman 過 去70年間に100万頭以上のクジラとイルカが日本近海で捕殺されてきました。Environmental Investigation AgencyEIA)による新しい分析は、これらの猟が日本沿岸から主要な小型鯨類を一掃する方向に進んでいることを示唆しています。


「有 毒な捕獲」で詳述されるように、クジラやイルカの肉には摂食安全基準の数百倍というレベルの汚染物質が含まれているにも関わらず、日本政府がクジラやイル カの肉を消費する健康リスクについて消費者に情報を十分に提供していません。こうした政策を通じて、日本政府は生息数減少の懸念のある鯨種をさらに絶滅へ と追いやり、日本の人々に生物多様性が保たれた健全な海洋生態系を保証することに失敗しているだけでなく、消費者を健康リスクから適切に守ることにも失敗 しているのです。

Karen Allman

Kalpana Ramakrishna Please know that I will never set foot in Japan or buy another product made in Japan until the inhumane and barbaric slaughter of dolphins in Taiji is stopped. I was also distressed to learn that money I sent for relief to Japan may have been sent to the whaling ships. Truly disgusted

Maren Roush