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Danie Ha Ok, Dan, wasted a lot of time talking to you via PN and not intend to waste more here. So I will block you in 10 minutes, being polite enough to let you know beforehand.

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Elaine Cobb I blocked Dan ages ago too Danie. He's not worth your efforts.

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Danie Ha Elaine Cobb I just do not want to leave the impression that I am gone from here, just because he does not see me anymore

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Jennifer Mang Are we really that desperate to eat meat people..reallly.......? ..If your gonna eat meat then learn to respect gods creatures which is a gift he gave to us to kill animals humanely if your gonna eat meat! Ask forgiveness if you do kill them humanely when eating animal meat... If you are one of those people who torture and slaughter inhumanely...you got another thing coming...because you will pay the consequences somehow someway. .it will haunt you! I asure you!

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Luke Gray Priministor of japan. You and your country will pay the price for what you have done to the dolphins for many many years to come! Your crimes will never be forgotten and this will be part of history. The children of the world will learn about your atrocities against these wonderful beings! You may laugh it off now, but remember this when you and your nation are in times of trouble!

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Tina Moxham Ferembach Shame on you Japan.. slaughtering of magnificent creatures and never questioning your barbaric atrocities. To think I helped you out financially after the tsunami.. next time we'll let you drown

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Tania Orechowski http://www.guzer.com/videos/dolphin-slaughter.php

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Tania Orechowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVdm1gOy3Us

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เหี่ยวฟ้า ครับผม http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVdm1gOy3Us no shame as a nation to let this haopen

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Elaine Cobb It's great to see so many other people raising their objections on here. Please like the Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians Page to keep up to date.

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Heather Thomas You are a sick human for letting all these dolphins be tortured, captured and killed. You see the outrage around the world and you do NOTHING!! It's not a tradition. It's barbaric. Some of your own citizens want this to stop but your greed for money shows what kind of heartless person you are. By not stopping these "fishermen" and making this illegal you are only representing your country and it's people in a terrible shameful way!!! There's a special place in hell for you and the rest of those cowards and I hope you have to suffer one day on your way there!

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Sophie Sallai Totally agree with Jennifer on this one...So much cruelty going on on our Planet...so much pain, so much suffering...mainly caused by humans...it is something to think about...it's about time we realize, the animals are not here for us...but with us... no animal deserves this...especially a species who saved the life of humans countless times... Please, stop the killing!

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Lesley Stroud Jacksch Stop this senseless killing of our beautiful dolphins. This should never be allowed.

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Diane Marie Huddle Not all japanese are involved! But it's so cruel!

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Kosuke Iwaki @Heike
Many Japanese who know about this matter (there are still many Japanese who don't know about this matter, too) think it is a little difference of cruelty to kill cows and dolphins in that we kill them for food in the end. So they don't understand why you guys complain only about dolphins. It lead them to oppose to SS (rather than defend these fishermen).
From your point of view, eating dolphin meat is unacceptable, but our point of view, eating kangaroo or dog or crocodile meat is unacceptable too(but we don't protest because we recognize that it is a different of sense of values). There are too many people in SS who try to force their sense of values on other person, I think.

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Jannie Perstrup https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153822954490648&set=a.204552795647.271619.21019330647&type=1

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Jannie Perstrup http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5NJowK9gn8

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Whim Bird Kosuke Iwaki - You are an idiot. It's pretty different how a cow is killed and how a dolphin or whale is killed. You are an IDIOT barbarian.

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Kosuke Iwaki Sorry

Kosuke Iwaki Do you know the old saying五十歩百歩?

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Aude Bocquillon Kosuke Iwaki - I'm sure you're not an idiot barbarian, but the fishermen in Taiji are certainly barbarian, heartless.

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Maru Marulina http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/.../dolphin-slaughter...

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Aude Bocquillon Manger du dauphin c'est se suicider a petit feu. Cette viande est connue et reconnue pour sa teneur en mercure. Et de toute façon cette souffrance pour les dauphins pour soit disant une question de tradition et de nourriture n'a plus lieu d'être de nos jours nous évoluons, je doute fort les générations précédentes possédaient des hors bord et autres bateaux à moteur. Si tradition il y a pourquoi vendre les dauphins ? Il y a 150 ans cela ne se faisait pas. Arrêter donc de donner une motivation bidon à cette horreur. Le Japon est un pays ou le respect est une tradition et pratiquement innée, mais les pêcheurs de Taiji n'ont aucun respect envers ces dauphins ni même envers leur propre nation en maintenant cette tradition qui met le Japon dans une bien mauvaise position vis à vis des autres pays. Nous continuerons le combat

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Ana Morris what is wrong with you people!! Take out boats to see dolphins playing in the ocean, make your money that way. You are committing a major crime, and we boycott Japan. You will not get one Yen from my friends or family. If you stop we will visit.

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Ana Morris WE KNOW ABE. THE WORLD HATES JAPAN FOR YOUR CRIMES AGAINST DOLPHINS. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=789891644357615...

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Aude Bocquillon I write my comment in French because, I'm so angry, upset and sad for RED COVE. In few words = NO TRADITION - NO RESPECT - THIS JUST FOR $$$$$

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Andres Saavedra 60-second video which shows the cruel and inhumane slaughter of striped dolphins, Taiji is the worst shame for Japan, is not culture is sadism savagery, stop the cruel slaughter of dolphins in Taiji

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Elaine Cobb Commentary by Captain Paul Watson

The most anti Japanese group on the planet is the Japanese government. This is a government that is allowing Japanese people to die rather than to assist them from the devastation wrought by the Tsunami and the disaster of Fukushima.

This is a government that has directed some $30 million dollars to supporting whaling yet has allowed thousands of Tsunami victims to go homeless.

This is a government that spends millions to defend a small group of dolphin killing thugs in Taiji yet allows victims of the nuclear disaster to die for lack of medical treatment and basic needs like a home, running water and heat.

It is now official, more Japanese people have died in Fukushima Prefecture from stress and illness than died during the initial disaster. The Tsunami killed 1,607 people in Fukushima, yet neglect has killed 1,656 since.

"The biggest problem is the fact that people have been living in temporary conditions for so long," Hiroyuki Harada, a Fukushima official dealing with victim assistance, told the media."

The Tsunami Relief Fund money that the Japanese government has spent trying to stop Sea Shepherd interference would have saved many Japanese lives but it seems that the Japanese government would rather kill whales than to save the lives of their own people.

Fukushima is a greater nuclear disaster than Cherynobyl yet the Japanese government will not allow outside intervention to stop the out of control situation. Each day 500 tons of radiated water is dumped into the sea and each day the radiation seeps further towards Tokyo in the groundwater. The government is in denial of the real extent of this disaster and more Japanese people will die because of the stubborn pride of the government and the lack of responsibility by the Japanese media to report the facts to the Japanese people.

The Japanese government is killing more Japanese people in Fukushima Prefecture than the original disaster and yet they still neglect to provide the needed funds, funds donated by people around the world who had no idea their generosity would be redirected to killing whales in the Southern Ocean.

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Elaine Cobb I donated my wages to the DEC when the Tsunami hit Japan. If I'd known it was going to be redirected to protect whaling, instead of being spent to help the people I wanted to help, I would have kept it!

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Phyllis Andreacola Please stop the slaughter of our beautiful dolphin friends. So unnecessary...so cruel. Please stop.

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Maru Marulina http://vimeo.com/52943939

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Maru Marulina http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc2arU61LSg

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Maru Marulina You do not have soul nor heart Mr. Abe. It is true that you block Youtube and certain websites for the people of Japan are not finds out the monstrosity that you allow to happen in Taiji? You are poisoning the people with meat Delfin, you know perfectly well that their meat contains high levels of mercury. You are killing marine life, and you know this also. Remember that everything in life becomes.

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Tamara Bestman Stop the dolphin slaugter!

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Danie Ha Taiji fishermen laugh at those, who oppose this, they laugh at Japanese people, who are misled by the Japanese Government and finally I am sure, they laugh at Shinzo Abe too, their biggest help to get rich.

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Heike Heinze Kosuke, Japanese fishermen do not destroy families of dolphins only for meat. Behind this is a different, richer profit principle. The dolphins are caught for the entertainment industry. A very lucrative business. A trained dolphin brings loose $ 150,000 and more. The albino dolphin calf is incredibly expensive. It had been drinking at his mother when they were caught. His mother was killed by fishermen.
The dolphins in training are being blackmailed by food deprivation.

The fishermen and trainer in Taiji / Wakayama are rich. They drive expensive sports cars and live a luxurious life. Do you really believe they have become so rich from the sale of the meat? The young generation Japanese and most Japanese people renounce dolphin meat, because it is highly contaminated with mercury and other toxins.

There is a German proverb: "

それでは狂気を停止してみましょう。お願いだから, Kosuke.


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Annett Vegani ♥♥♥ SOS ♥♥♥ Japan !! Please stop killing poor poor souls !! Many many thanks ♥♥♥ The poor poor dolphins from Tajia !! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAWu9v4FQLU

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Candy Boulter Leone Raising farm animals for food does not impact wild populations of wildlife which are being harvested in large numbers from Asia, Japan and other countries raping the oceans and lands. There is no way to foresee all the damages to the populations of all the wild animal species affected by these atrocities. These countries need to wake up and see their damages as the oceans and lands are not a continuous supply of food to be exploited until there is nothing left.

Weez W-s Japan is killing themselves softly with toxic dolphin meat and radiation.....I have no use for Japan anymore as long as the dolphin drives continue, as long as the radiation is just turned away with a blind eye, as long as the monies sent for the disaster went to whaling industry, as long as the dolphins are being kidnapped from the sea....Japan is erased off my world map. There is not much time for Japan to change this as so much damage has been done and is irreversable already....wake up Japan and get off your ego boost....everyone is getting more disgusted with you day by day!

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Christine Stevens- Lovalente Please have a heart ! Stop his cruel act! Stop slaughtering God's beautiful creatures ! The world is watching and getting angrier and more upset by the minute ! I beg you to stop !!!!

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Karen Thomas Stop the barbaric killings of innocent dolphins in Taiji. This is not tradition this is inhumane vile killing of amazing creatures. This is all about money blood money. Shame on you Japan. The world is watching!!!!!

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Tunemitu Shibuya The financial funds of a tsunami fund are national bonds, and are not your donations.
Don't let the propaganda of Sea Shepherd deceive.

Weez W-s Really?!!! Then where did all the Canadian donations go? And all the rest of the world's monies that helped Japan out??!! I love Australia, but it wasnt just Australia that sent Japan money...but honestly Im not going to argue...I learnt my mistake of helping Japan out...NEVER AGAIN!

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Danie Ha Tunemitu Shibuya Thanks for not answering any if the easy questions above, answer enough. And were did the donations go to? Any proof other than the word of your Government? This is a piece of paper and proves nothing. Don´t let Abe´s propaganda deceive...

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Danie Ha Tunemitu Shibuya As long as Japan can afford pumping 30 Mio. $ into disastrous, senseless whale hunting, donations are not needed obviously.Good to know as it will happen again.

Donna Sall A word of advice for all of us who want to see the dolphin hunt stopped. Block the a-holes who dont have a heart. It does no good to reason with them. STOP THE SLAUGHTER AND CAPTURE OF WHALES AND DOLPHINS ! THEY DO NOT BELONG TO YOU JAPAN , THEY BELONG IN THE OCEAN FREE FROM YOUR GREEDY LITTLE HANDS..... dan, tony, mangnus and a few more when did you loose your compassion for life?