Prime Minister's Office of Japan August 8 · Video subtitled in Portuguese: Diplomacia japonesa para a América Latina e Caribe - Primeiro-Ministro Abe # Japão ‪#‎Abe‬ ‪#‎Latina‬ ‪#‎Caribe‬ Diplomacia japonesa para a América Latina e Caribe - Primeiro-Ministro Abe O Primeiro Ministro Abe fez um discurso em São Paulo, Brasil, no dia 2 de agosto, o último dia da... Like · Comment · Share Makoto Nukada, Arunachalam Swaminathan, Kenny Yoshida and 307 others like this. 18 shares 笠原直人 理解しました。安部首相の理念も信念も覚悟も僕はあなたのブレーンになりましょう August 8 at 12:14am · 2 Rome Emperor, A - James DH Queen No 01... August 8 at 4:55am · 1 Ana Morris wooohooo, loookwhat I found on youtube!! August 8 at 11:38am · 1 Arkadiusz Bolesław Viruses threat and biohazards August 8 at 1:35pm · 1 JI Young Lee YES LOVE ABESHINZO ONLY LIE KOREAN I HATE MAKE WAR BETTER August 8 at 3:08pm · 2 Asami Inoue 安部首相殿、日々、日本の為御尽力感謝致します。 靖国参拝………恐らく、他国との捻捩がほどけやすくなると思います。 真の平成維新政府に為ってくださいませ。 今後の御活躍期待しております……御体は大切に、安部家の皆様に倖多からん事を♪ August 8 at 5:01pm Tom Marinheiro Cunha Tito Yoniel August 8 at 6:13pm · 1 Tito Yoniel アベさん大丈夫ですか?(^∇^)…笑 August 8 at 7:48pm Carla Alley French Citizens of Japan, this is what happens in Taiji, from September-March. August 8 at 8:34pm Anita Willemse Are there no japanese people who understand English? If there are why do you not protest against the bloodshed , the massacres, the cruelties in Taiji? Do you really want the world to associate you ,Japanese, with these atrocities? Is that proud or is that masochism? If I were a Japanese I should never want these killings to take place in Taiji. I wanted it was not true but at this moment you will not find one person that will respect Japan evermore if you don't speak out against the Taiji dolphin murders. August 8 at 9:36pm · 1 Yamamoto San @Anita Willemse: Most Japanese are against the illegal and pirate Sea Shepherd organization. Nothing wrong with whaling and hunting dolphins. August 9 at 3:43am · Edited · 7 Emmanuel Chanel Anita Willemse: Huh... with difficulty for too long time, you, dolphin freaks tell things about mercury a bit smarter, heh. Still it's no reasonable to harass our whaling and dolphin fishery, though. I showed the observation about mercury to Maren Roush before cf. But looks you, the most of dolphin freaks couldn't learn well. Finding my source links about mercury level in the sea around Japan dead now, I quote newly some form a new page of Japan Meteorological Agency: >表3.3-1に、1995~2012年に観測された表面海水中の水銀及びカドミウムの濃度(平均値、標準偏差及び観測値の範囲)を海域ごとに示す(日本周辺海域の区分は図3.3-1のとおり)。外洋域における水銀及びカドミウムの自然界の濃度は、それぞれ0.4~2ng/kg及び 0.1~110ng/kg の範囲とされている(Bruland, 1983)ので、これを診断の基準とする。 Translation: We show (average,standard deviation, and range of) the observed concentrations of mercury and cadmium by the sea areas on Sheet 3.3-1 (Its divisions of the sea area around Japan is on the Sheet 3.3-1). Since it is said that the natual concentrations of mercury and cadmium are the range of 0.4ng/kg - 2ng/kg and the range of 0.1ng/kg - 110ng/kg(Bruland, 1983), we use it as the standard of the diagnosis. (Omitted) >水銀濃度の平均値は、いずれの海域も3~5ng/kgで、観測された最高の濃度は北海道南方の43ng/kgである。基準値を若干上回るものの、大半はほぼ同じ桁に収まる低い濃度レベルである。 Translation: The average values of mercury concentration is between 3ng/kg and 5ng/kg and the observed maximum concentration is 43ng/kg in the south of Tokkaido. Although a little higher than the quality standards, the level of the concentration is low within almost the same order in the most cases. (20 Dec. 2013) August 9 at 4:01am · 6 Oliver Schmidt TWATSSSSSSSSSS...... August 10 at 12:24am Oliver Schmidt HUH HUH HU HUH..... August 10 at 12:24am Ricardo Bucog a lot of users in this FB keep on barking about whaling activities for Japan i don't know if such allegations are true or not or they have sufficient proof. Can you not make any comment professionally that is not against the customs and traditions of other countries, i doubt this people could not make it because they are paid by their government to make a bad comment against the government of Japan. August 10 at 3:48am · 2 Stephen Barnett Anita Willemse : Do some research about the strong relationship between Taiji and European aquariums before insulting fishermen. One dolphin is sold for $150,000 to all over Europea, Arab, China etc. Dolphins dealers are ex-dolphin trainers and they are westerners, NON-Japanese. Taiji is connected to big global business. You will never be able to stop them hunting unless the West order dolphins. Did you watch the Cove documentary?? White western girls were selecting dolphins. They are dolphins trainers. This is the fact. You know nothing. August 10 at 5:30am · Edited · 2 Dawn Thomas Sea Shepherd is not an illegal organisation August 15 at 6:55am · 2 Yamamoto San Dawn Thomas, Paul Watson is wanted on Interpol, skipped bail in Germany, Sea Shepherd is designated a pirate organization. You may have a noble cause, but you are blindly supporting and following a wrong organization. August 15 at 11:29pm · 1 Dawn Thomas Thanks Yamamoto San. August 18 at 7:38am Elaine Bentley Ricardo,selling dolphins to marine parks for huge amounts of money is not a japanese tradition or custom! August 19 at 3:35pm · 1 Yamamoto San Elaine: any activity or tradition has to start from some point in time. So lets say the dolphin captive trade started in 1969, in a few hundred years from now, our descendants can call it a "tradition". August 20 at 3:51am · 1 Julie Dulak Eat this instead of TOXIC mercury-laden whale and dolphin meat>>> August 22 at 10:42am Ana Morris One who murder dolphin not Honorable Man, have blood on hands. August 25 at 7:14am